stop junk mail

Almost every year I have to repeat this process. But I wanted to share the email and some addition info with you. I have remarked on a few things below. You will have to repeat with every move, every new purchase where you give your complete name, address, and phone number. Like a credit card application. Your name is put on a runway to mailings.

1. or remove from valpak another step to do

Welcome mr mrs this is to decline catalogs however you need the catalog to do so!!!!

3.’s Mail Preference Service
Thank you. You are now opted-out of most unsolicited mail.Primary Name: Alternate Name: Alternate Name: Alternate Name: Address: UserName: Email: DMA’s Mail Preference

ServiceImportant: You have selected to eliminate all mailings from organizations participating in the DMA Mail Preference Service.

Are you sure you want to proceed?
The average household can save $1422 dollars per year from marketing offers. By eliminating all mail offers not only will you miss out on these savings, but you’ll miss out on at least 80% of all commercial offers and discounts!And you will miss the environmental benefits of shopping at home rather than driving to the mall!

By replacing just two shopping trips to the mall each year with shopping by catalogs or direct mail, DMA estimates that Americans could:
* Reduce the amount we drive by 3.3 billion miles.
* Reduce carbon dioxide emissions by more than 3 billion pounds.
* Save more than $490 million on gas costs.


removal from all valassis advertisements and value paks

6. not big on this one as it requires your social security number for processing needless to say i did not do....

7. bay area links to opt out NO - charges you to do this.

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