notes-healthy eating fights cancers-antioxidants

Most important avoid processed foods, eat the skins of your fruit and veggies, Raw is better for you:
Be sure your diet includes a high level of antioxidiants, vitamin D, vitamin c, and omega 3

Vitamin D has been shown to protect up to 50% against Cancer. Also, keeping your diet full of fruits, veggies and whole grains can help lower risk of many cancers. Fat soluble helps to absorb calcium which builds stronger bones and teeth- and can curb the growth of cancerous cells…
Tomatoes, Broccoli sprouts good source of Sulforaphane and Brussel sprouts too,

Berries-blueberries a great sourse of antioxidants, rich colored berries have anthocyanins a great antioxidant.

Soybeans, like hummous- make your own , isoflavones which protect cells from negative estrogen

Tea Green, White are a great source antioxidants, kaempferol helps fight many cancers, four cups of tea, they say black tea is also included

Cruciferous vegetables like turnip greens, cabbage, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, kale, and many more..spinach –lutein avocados

Carrots, squash, yellow/red-peppers, sweet potatoes, pumpkin
Oranges, lemons and grapefruits

Papayas great healer before and after surgeries also for the digestive system

Red grapes- i take resveratrol synergy with grape seed opcs, grape skin extract and green tea extracts...two a day

Turmeric great in stirfry-not only is an inflammatory but is in the ginger family

Ginger helps but still unknown exactly how

Garlic minced let sit for 10 min before cooking…

Curcumin powder better known as Cumin, use in rice dishes, lentils, veggies, chicken and even other great foods.very well known to help prevent cancers

Capsaicin – chili peppers, jalapenos and others

Flax – check with doctor there is controversy when it comes to men

Fresh dried fruit is a great way to be sure you have your servings of daily antioxidants and vitamins.
Info: my knowledge and a bit from reading these two sites: for info on berries some info from this site

Tags: cancer, raw veggies, vegetables, fruit, prevent,
temp title: notes-healthy eating fights cancers

Sustainable, Eco, Green Events include Green Roofs

Green, Green Roof, Eco, Sustainable Events, and more

August 21-22: Boston GreenFest 2009 Boston City Hall Plaza Foundation for a Green Future, Inc.Boston, MA ph: 617-477-4840

September 11-15 Australian Landscape Conference will be held at the Camberwell Centre, Melbourne

September 18-21: ASLA Annual Meeting & EXPO 2009, Chicago, Illinois, USA

Oct 19-22 2009: City of Toronto Fall Session Application Deadline, Toronto, CanadaSource: html

February 5 & 6, 2010 The Green Living Expo Honolulu, Hawaii -
Blaisdell Center - 700 Ward Ave., Honolulu, HI 968144pm to 9pm Friday
10am to 6pm Saturday

2009 events not included can be found on many sites:

Green Roofs - Online list - Roofs Go Green

Green Roofs can be found World Wide - Roofs Go Green coming soon

There are many more please add any you have used or recommend.

Green Roof Events coming soon.

Green Newbie - 4 great ways to start simply

Green Newbie - Its Easy to Go Green

-Start simple with a reusable Stainless Steel travel mug

-Reusable Bags for shopping - grocery, books, or other stores, Library too

-Recycle simply- all glass, Cans, plastics and paper:

1. Glass: rinse by adding a bit of water recover gently shake remove cover and place in recycle bin-cover off. Remove Corks and bag separately 100% recyclable and reusable. or Wine Cork Recycling, Yemm & Hart Ltd., 610 South Chamber Dr, Fredericktown, MO 63645.

2. Plastics: same, rinse, place in recycle bin, bag plastic caps separately, Always remove Caps, covers, lids they will not recycle if cover is on!! Remove cap from cartons too. Recycle deodorant stick by remove contents & place in bin. Prescription bottles ?most are recyclable remove covers. may still be accepting expired prescriptions.

A. Peanuts from shipping need special recycling
B. Caps from bottles can be collected for months, check with your local recycle company to see if they are accepting caps yet. Also Aveda is accepting all caps from their products. Bring to your Aveda Salon.

3. Paper: shred all personal docs, charge card application received in mail, tear name off all labels and shred/cut many times with scissors, (avoid Identity thief) Books & Magazines can be given to thrift stores, library, schools, nursing homes, You can even start your own book swap once a month. If you choose to recycle remove all inserts that may have glue or a sticky edge. All spiral note books are recyclable.

4. Cans: rinse, remove tabs (bag separately for months) place in bin. Aerosol cans may be accepted empty and remove caps (great for peg games) toothpaste tubes are acceptable. Tabs can be mailed or dropped off at Ronald McDonald homes across the country.
-Most Recycle companies approve of Blue clear bag for all recyclable items, bag up and place out on recycle day.

Things you should know about Recycling:

1. Cell phones, PDAs, all Electronics, motor vehicles, machines are recyclable. Call your local center and they will direct you. Apple will recycle all Apple products for you. Craigslist & Freecycle may work for you-be smart when meeting with unknown persons.

2. Paints, chemicals, poisons check Crud Cruiser or
3. CFL Light Bulbs can be recycled at local Lowes, Home Depot, Ikea and a few others.

4. All Eyeglasses, Shoes and Clothing can be donated to shelters, second hand stores and sneakers can be dropped off at your local Nike stores for recycling. Lions Club worldwide and Target Optical is accepting eyeglasses. Another World Wide recycler of eyeglasses
5. Printer ink cartridges can be dropped off at Office Depot for Credit towards replacement. HP accept them by mail. Some offices offer drop off bins. You can also have them refilled.
6. Are you a teacher? lots of juice bags at your school? Earn $ for them: Cookie Wrappers, pouch Brigade and Frito Lay chip bags. Also Energy Bar Wrappers, Ritz chips bags, Kashi wrapper/bags, Bare Naked bags, are all being collected start you project with the new school year.

7. Ask your town office about local recycling they can direct you.
8. If you have a compost shredded papers, fruit & veggie peelings, small yard clippings, for more view compostable items online.

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