stop junk mail

Almost every year I have to repeat this process. But I wanted to share the email and some addition info with you. I have remarked on a few things below. You will have to repeat with every move, every new purchase where you give your complete name, address, and phone number. Like a credit card application. Your name is put on a runway to mailings.

1. or remove from valpak another step to do

Welcome mr mrs this is to decline catalogs however you need the catalog to do so!!!!

3.’s Mail Preference Service
Thank you. You are now opted-out of most unsolicited mail.Primary Name: Alternate Name: Alternate Name: Alternate Name: Address: UserName: Email: DMA’s Mail Preference

ServiceImportant: You have selected to eliminate all mailings from organizations participating in the DMA Mail Preference Service.

Are you sure you want to proceed?
The average household can save $1422 dollars per year from marketing offers. By eliminating all mail offers not only will you miss out on these savings, but you’ll miss out on at least 80% of all commercial offers and discounts!And you will miss the environmental benefits of shopping at home rather than driving to the mall!

By replacing just two shopping trips to the mall each year with shopping by catalogs or direct mail, DMA estimates that Americans could:
* Reduce the amount we drive by 3.3 billion miles.
* Reduce carbon dioxide emissions by more than 3 billion pounds.
* Save more than $490 million on gas costs.


removal from all valassis advertisements and value paks

6. not big on this one as it requires your social security number for processing needless to say i did not do....

7. bay area links to opt out NO - charges you to do this.

Recycle Can Tabs and Plastic Caps

Did you know they are not recycling plastic caps,
Bread bag tabs or plastic pull tabs for plastic bottles.

Aveda is collection caps right now Summer 09 for

recycling program. Contact your local spa.

The pull tabs on all cans can help raise funds

for the Ronald McDonald Houses across the US

most will accept by mail or in a drop box available

outside the front entrance.

You can also create purses and bags with tabs.

Thank you for helping out another recycling program.

Rain Barrel overflow:) saved

Rain Barrel that was over flowing from one rainfall total 8 hrs , that's a lot of rain...

have connected second rain barrel to the temporary set up.

Second rain barrel ready to go

rain barrel overflow:) all set for now but will search for some elbow and other parts to complete this hidden rain barrel collection.

Conversion digital all the way

Analog to digital conversion inevitable
a conversion chart-
compare video, phone & Internet, Bundles too!

Natural Cleaner Organic Fair Trade 100% post consumer recycled plastic bottle

Certified Fair trade w/Organic Oils 100% post consumer recycled plastic bottle 100% vegan made in USA OTCO not animal tested "Health is our greatest Wealth"

Uses: facial message, hair and scalp, bath, beach, body, dentures, mint deodorant, shaving, mouthwash, silk, wool pets, diapers, car, hand and foot care.

My uses: granite counter tops, porcellian tiles and wood floors-very diluted, bathroom showers, tubs, sinks, Dogs area, door handles, window frames, out door seating, inside microwave and stove, great in the shower for body soap, in all hand soap dispenses, and where ever I can. No chemicals, no allergies, no eye irritation from odor-do not get in eyes-great facial press.

This company has been around for 150 years adn 5 generations of soapmaking
Dr Bronner's Pure-Castile Soap
liquid available at most local Health food stores, Whole Foods, Central Market, even Target

Banking on Shoes

What do you do with your unwanted shoes? Here is an idea for you.
The need in our country for children, woman and mens shoes is one of great size. Don't throw them out. There is always someone that needs what you don't want.
You can start by dropping off unused pairs of shoes to these locations, shelters, churches, even more. If you can't drop them off or send them, call for a pic up. There are groups in your area that are always looking for shoes, clothes, even working appliances. Let's work to put shoes on ever person that needs them.

A quick list for your shoe donations.

The Shoe Bank over 30 drop off location in Texas

Nike Reuse a shoe program. Nike stores have collected globally over 22,595,410 pairs of shoes since 1990. March 01, 2009
Training Ground Flooring Tiles made with Nike Grind are now available at
offers drop off points in USA, UK, Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, New Zealand, Canada, Japan, and Australia or mail in.

Recylced runners offers a map for drop off locations:

ARR Running-Shoe Recycling Program
Hope Runs 2831 Prince St. Berkeley, CA 94705
Sole Responsibility Canada

Don't forget Homeless shelters, Woman shelters, Children's homes and more for your shoes in good condition.
There are many more in need today than yesterday. This is a simple way to help some out.

Ed Begley Jr. "Living with Ed"

Now on

You may have seen the Shows "Living with Ed" and You may be looking for more ways to connect and have up to date info. Well here is your chance.
You can Join the members at 
 and Now you can folllow at 

Smart Power Strips, Talking Chargers

You are Being Stolen from!! and you didn't know it.

You may not even know you are being stolen from by your chargers!
95% of the power used by plugged in unused chargers for any device is being wasted. When you disconnect your cell phone, laptop or other device unplugged it. As long as it stays plugged into the wall it continues to draw electricity.
tips to save $$ and energy: Unplug unused items, chargers ect., install a whole house master switch or smart strips, timer strips and other ideas for you.

Can't we use a timer for our chargers? Can't we turn off the power Strip When not in use?

Smart Strip, when an item is not in use, unit can slow the energy to the plugged in charger.

Like Mini Power Minders, " research shows one could simply save a few hundred dollars each year"
You can purchase at Amazon:

Power monitors with timers, smarts and coming soon Talking chargers!! "Your Phone is Charged. Please Unplug Your Charger Now" or "Hey! Hey! Unplug Me, You Moron!"

Watts watcher:

Solar Charger for cell phone, sounds high tech? have a look:

solar backpacks its on my wishlist:)

You may not be aware that you can use these daily while walking the streets of NYC to work, hiking in the mountains, biking on a trail, even sitting at the beach. Solar is free.

Low carbon Eating?

This is great, I was telling you how most of your non local food travels on average 1,500 miles before making it to your table. Also just learned that when food is shipped from over seas it could sit for weeks in ports before ever being picked up and brought to the distribution center.
Great info. Buy Local when ever you can.

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